Welcome to the GSD Twins North American Expedition, where the adventurous spirit of Drax, Diesel, and Jonny continues to captivate hearts and minds across the continent. After the success of their 2023 expedition, which saw the GSD Twins conquering the diverse landscapes of the United States, the trio are gearing up for their next leg of exploration. From state to state, Drax and Diesel's unwavering stability, physical prowess, and boundless affection have garnered a loyal following eager to watch the journey. The OG Expedition may have drawn to a close, but the indomitable trio has officially solidified their legacy with the birth of the GSD Twins. Embark on this unforgettable odyssey with us as we traverse the continent forging connections, entertaining friends and families, and proving that the companionship of well-behaved dogs knows no bounds.
Meet the GSD Twins on the North American Expedition and be a part of a new chapter in their journey.